veraset vergisi

  1. Noun, Civil Law succession tax
  2. charge to estate duty
  3. corporation duty
  4. death duty
  5. death tax
  6. duty payable on death
  7. legacy duty
  8. estate duty
  9. probate duty
  10. succession duty
  11. estate tax
  12. inheritance tax
  13. legacy tax
  14. (Br) probate duty
inheritance tax Noun, Taxation-Customs
estate tax Noun, Taxation-Customs
estate duty charge
estate duty interest
estate duty computation
estate duty mitigation
estate duty liability
estate duty allowance
estate duty credit
allowable deduction for estate duty
to avoid estate duty Verb
estate-duty exemption limit
estate duty implication
estate duty valuation
estate duty value
avoidance of estate duty
to charge estate duty Verb
to become liable to estate duty Verb
surviving spouse exemption
duty on inheritance
inheritance and gift tax Civil Law
succession duty
inheritance tax
inheritance taxation
estate duty legislation
inheritance exemption
(US) inheritance exemption